Catalogue of H5P Content

Table Details Displays a list of content created and shared by members of this site.
Title Type Author Subject Last Updated License
Pipe Calculations Interactive Content Mary Spencer Technology & Engineering 4 years ago CC BY-NC
Well Calculation Interactive Content Mary Spencer Technology & Engineering 4 years ago CC BY-NC
Notetaking Introduction Interactive Content Mary Spencer Technology & Engineering 4 years ago CC BY-NC
Population Calculations Interactive Content Mary Spencer Technology & Engineering 4 years ago CC BY-NC
ADD Residential Interactive Content Mary Spencer Technology & Engineering 4 years ago CC BY-NC
Extending Learning with Meta C… Interactive Content Jesslyn Wilkinson Reference 4 years ago CC0 1.0
Sample Presentation Interactive Content Jesslyn Wilkinson Reference 4 years ago CC0 1.0
COMP106 Week 1 Key Terms Interactive Content Kerri Shields Computing & IT 4 years ago U
Logic: Truth Tables Interactive Content Hyla Davis Mathematics & Science 4 years ago CC BY-NC-SA
Logic Interactive Content Hyla Davis Mathematics & Science 4 years ago CC BY-NC-SA
Truth Table: Conjunction Interactive Content Kevin Pitts Mathematics & Science 4 years ago CC BY-NC
COMP106 Week 8 Key Terms Interactive Content Kerri Shields Computing & IT 4 years ago U
COMP106 Week 3 Key Terms Interactive Content Kerri Shields Computing & IT 4 years ago U
COMP106 Week 8 Knowledge Check Interactive Content Kerri Shields Computing & IT 4 years ago U
Leaving a Professional Voicema… Interactive Content Bryna Cosgrove Business & Management 4 years ago CC BY-NC
COMP106 Week 3 Knowledge Check Interactive Content Kerri Shields Computing & IT 4 years ago U
How to find a source from a ci… Interactive Content Mita Williams Reference 4 years ago CC BY
COMP106 Week 7 Knowledge Check Interactive Content Kerri Shields Computing & IT 4 years ago U
Diagnostic for Cal Interactive Content Vanessa Farren Mathematics & Science 4 years ago CC BY-NC-SA
Don’t pay for research! How to… Interactive Content Mita Williams Reference 4 years ago CC BY